Sunday, August 18, 2013

Saturday at the Woodward Dream Cruise

On Saturday afternoon we had the chance to see live one of the events that makes this city the Motor Town: the Woodward Dream Cruise. It is the world's largest one-day automotive event, in which cars drive or park along the Woodward Avenue. It started in 1848, and since it has always been a huge event. Nowadays it has been unofficially expanded to a whole week. 

The car concentration brings classic, custom, and special vehicles together, which makes this event amusing for both amateur or experienced car collectors. Also, a very good opportunity to get artistic photos. Andres really did a good job with this one below :)

The schedule and location of this cruise is not really organized, but rather a living event where cars drive and stop with no specific order throughout the day. 

Most of the cars are classical American vehicles that still maintain the successful touch that once made them so wanted.

Other cars are just amazing to observe due to the customized adaptations, like the cars with uncovered engine. It is also fun to see that they really are drivable, and not just showroom vehicles. 

It is not all about nice looking, though. Several cars simply call attention through their huge size. 

An additional category are the race cars, like the one shown above.

This yearly event gathers around 1.5 million people, who spend the day enjoying the fantastic views, but also the less fantastic sounds and bad smell of some fuel-thirsty engines and burned tires. 

Overall, we really enjoyed to watch the cruise, is a very authentic American event with lots to offer. You feel surrounded with incredibly special cars, loud sounds and fanatic people, a very good combination to have a good time. We know that Tord would have really much liked it. 

Lots of love from the Mo-Town, 

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